Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday Morning Pancakes

My training partner called this AM and cancelled our ride. He hit a Pit bull yesterday on the way to our usual ride and destroyed his rain bike. Luckily for him he did not break his body.
I decided to hang out with the kids this morning. They watched Disney Channel for an hour while I did my work on the trainer. I wanted to make the Mickey Mouse pancakes that I had promised them after our Disneyland trip earlier last week.

My cadence has been a big concern of mine lately. I need to bring up the pace again to keep the pedal speed up. I have become complacent with my cadence and lost track of it when I switched over to the race bike. I resorted to my favorite interval set that got my cadence up over the winter: (10"on and 20" off) x20-60. I did 40 today (2x20). I wanted to focus on short, quality efforts with fast pedal speed 10" @ 120 rpm and 20" @ 90 rpm. This type of workout is less painful than the 20/20 that Andrew recommends, yet I will do my 20/20's this Wednesday. Today, I needed to get rid of the lactate in between efforts and make the rest at 90 rpms seem real. My goal was more to retrain my cadence set point around 90 rpm instead of 80 rpm. Quicker knees!

I drained two 16oz water bottles and stripped down to my bibs after the last set. My daughter asked: "Why are you naked daddy?" Sweat factory baby, sweat factory...

I eat fewer pancakes after a workout like this.

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